Vegatee-Cap Dibs Basketball Ball on the Coach shirt
And it’s not like white men have been killing it or anything. For almost four years, we have been governed by a government made up almost entirely of white men, and they have been a complete disaster. They have been corrupt like Scott Pruitt, who spent his time in the Cap Dibs Basketball Ball on the Coach shirt Additionally,I will love this Environmental Protection Agency ordering tactical pants and used mattresses. They have been moronic, like the comically inept Jared Kushner, who predicted the economy would be “really rocking again” by July. (Hey, Jared, it’s August. Have you seen the latest unemployment figures?) They have ignored a pandemic, they have refused testing, they have focused on making themselves and their friends richer. Now they are furious by the idea that they may actually be replaced by people who know what they’re talking about. And one of them is a woman, and she’s Black!
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